Saturday, April 14, 2007

Tough Choices become Natural Choices

I got on a scale and weighed my self yesterday. I used to do that once a week, but the last 4 months I have done it
about every three weeks, it is'nt something I think about much anymore. The reason I have still done it is because I wanted to see if I could maintain my weight without really thinking much about trying to maintain my weight. I don't count calories.

I have found that I still have to make choices about what I am going to eat, and that is the toughest part about losing weight, making the choice to eat the right thing instead of the thing you really want to eat . There are a ton of weight loss products on the market that promise to relieve you of the burden of making those choices . "Take this pill once a day, eat whatever you want and still lose weight !", "Take this pill and suppress your appetite!" "Take this pill and burn up all the fat from that double cheese burger and fries you just ate !".

People who market these weight loss products know that people hate making choices about food. We do not like restriction when it comes to food. Like William Wallace in "Brave Heart" we hold our forks high and shout "FREEDOM !!" as we charge toward the Buffet Table like a mad man. The truth is, that is not freedom, it is slavery. I remember the first few days of my
RESET Program how tough it was for me to make the choice to see it through but about the third day something "broke", something changed, and the choices became easier.As the weeks and months went on I kept making the right choices and as I did those choices became easier and easier. Now, they are'nt even choices anymore, It's just the way I naturally eat. I started thinking about "How" I made the decision to eat the right thing instead of the wrong thing. This will help you. When I struggled with a decision between two food items I found myself thinking about how I would FEEL after I ate that. Let me explain .
A while back I ate a McDonalds sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, I did'nt feel guilty about it, I was in a hurry to get to work, I had my weight well under control, so I justified it to myself. I ate the biscuit and a cup of coffee. Ten minutes after I ate it I had this enormous "stuffed" feeling, I felt like I just ate a whole cow . It lasted about 45 minutes and at lunch I could still taste that sausage. I decided that I did not like that feeling . I can feel it now just writing about it. In the past that never would have bothered me, I could have eaten TWO of those without a problem .
Think about how you will feel after you eat that donut or burger or candy bar, really let that feeling sink in.Think about how your stomach will feel, think about that stuffed bloated feeling that will last for an hour after you've eaten. Think about how after you eat that candy bar, you will feel like you just drank a whole bottle of pancake syrup.
The emotional state that you are in goes a long way in determining what kind of food you will want to eat. If you are depressed, you will eat some high sugar or high carb food that will drive your blood sugar up and then crash it down, because what you really want deep down is that depressed feeling that the crashing blood sugar gives you. It is important to be aware of your emotions when you eat.
When you look at the good food think about how good, and light and energized you will feel.

The tough choices you make now will get easier, then they won't even be choices any more, they will become natural, then like William Wallace you can hold that fork high and shout "FREEDOM!!" as you charge the Buffet Table like a madman. Now that is real Freedom !

See you soon,

James Lange
You can click here to get more information on the RESET PROGRAM

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